Busy week

Well , it’s been a busy week! Not only has the weather been fantastic, spring feels like it has sprung, but we have been inundated with new work including a contract for a famous celebrity ( who will remain nameless for privacy reasons, sorry). Also , this week Dan and I attended the Cleaning show 2015 at the Excel Centre, London.

If you are involved in any part of the cleaning sector, then the show is a must for all things new in window cleaning, carpet cleaning and just about all other cleaning services.

We were there to check out some of the new carbon fibre poles for high access window cleaning up to 50 ft. With a new pole sorted we also added a new bit of kit to our services. Using a wireless HD camera we are able to carry out any type of surveys of roofs, gutters, chimney stacks, brickwork etc  from the safety of the ground. No more running a roof ladder up just to have a look . The high level survey kit has a reach of almost 50 ft. With a recording option available for the client to view at any time they wish ( recorded onto an sd card). It has zoom facility and also infra red capability for dark areas. The uses are endless!!

Holding an event or festival? Then why not shoot some aerial shots of the whole thing or even some video with 360 degree views over the whole event. Very cool!!

Anyway enough said, the garden is waking up and so is the rest of the wildlife around here. The winter slumber is ending.




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